2nd Stakeholder Forum: Musei: quale impatto sociale? Strategie e strumenti, February 2021
Musei: quale impatto sociale? Strategie e strumenti” – Day of discussion for Italian museum professionals on the social impact of museums – took place on Monday 22 February 2021
The second Stakeholder Forum of the project MOI! Museums of Impact took place on On Monday 22nd February 2021, supported by the European Union through the Creative Europe program.
The event, entirely online, was dedicated to the Italian museums community and organized by BAM! Strategie Culturali in partnership with Bologna Museums Institution of the Municipality of Bologna and the Cultural Heritage Service of Emilia-Romagna Region.
During the event, Italian museums focused on the strategies they are implementing to maximize their social impact and discussed with institutional representatives to share visions and propose possible new tools.
Case studies was presented by the Finnish Heritage Agency, lead organization of the European project MOI! Museums of Impacts and discussion tables was organized for the museum professionals in order to bring their point of view on the topics of the day.
Among the guests: Matteo Lepore, Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Bologna; Mauro Felicori, Councilor for Culture of the Emilia-Romagna Region; Serena Bertolucci, Director of Palazzo Ducale in Genoa; Martina Bagnoli, Director of Estensi Galleries of Modena and Ferrara; Stefano Karadjov, Director of Brescia Museums Foundation; Daniela Dalla, Head of cultural mediation and educational services of Bologna Museums Institution; Erminia Sciacchitano, Officer: Minister's Cabinet presso Italian Ministry for Culture, Heritage and Tourism ; Valentina Galloni, Cultural Heritage Service of Emilia-Romagna Region.
Roberto Grandi, President of Bologna Museums Institution closed the day.
The whole event was organized for Italian speaking attendees.
All the participants received preparatory materials including information on the European project MOI ! Museums of Impacts and on self-evaluation tools for museums.
Report of 2nd MOI! Stakeholder forum (pdf)
h.10.30 – 11.00 | Why do we ask museums to have a social impact?
- Matteo Lepore – Councilor for Culture, Municipality of Bologna
- Mauro Felicori – Councilor for Culture, Emilia-Romagna Region
h.11.00 – 11.30 | Social reporting and museums, the state of the art
- Erminia Sciacchitano – Officer: Minister's Cabinet presso Italian Ministry for Culture, Heritage and Tourism - MiBACT
- Valentina Galloni – Cultural Heritage Service of the Emilia-Romagna Region
h.11.30 – 12.00 | MOI! Museums of Impacts: a model of self evaluation for museums
- Pirjo Hamari – Finnish Heritage Agency
- Federico Borreani – BAM! Strategie Culturali
h.12.00 – 13.15 | Roundtable: the experience of Italian museums in strategies and impacts evaluation
- Martina Bagnoli – Director of Gallerie Estensi of Modena and Ferrara
- Serena Bertolucci – Director of Palazzo Ducale of Genoa
- Daniela Dalla – Head of cultural mediation and educational services of the Bologna Museums Institutions
- Stefano Karadjov – Director of Brescia Museums Foundation
h.13.15 – 14.15 | Lunch break
h.14.15 – 15.00 | Working table for museum operators
Session 1: Strategic tools
h.15.15 – 16.00 | Working table for museum operators
Session 2: Social impact
h.16.00 – 16.30 | What perspective for the future?
Conclusions by Roberto Grandi – President of Bologna Museums Institution
For further informations: moi@bamstrategieculturali.com
Press office: Silvia Basso +393498689945 | silvia@bamstrategieculturali.com
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